Эксперт назвала города и округа Подмосковья, где самые недорогие квартиры в новостройках
This news article from MK (Moscow daily) reports on an expert's analysis of the most affordable new housing development locations in the Moscow region for Q4 2024.
The primary conceptual idea is to highlight the cities and districts in the Moscow region offering the lowest average prices per square meter for new apartments.
The article lists the top 5 most affordable areas, starting with the Serpukhov district.
This news article from MK (Moscow daily) reports on an expert's analysis of the most affordable new housing development locations in the Moscow region for Q4 2024. The primary conceptual idea is to highlight the cities and districts in the Moscow region offering the lowest average prices per square meter for new apartments. The article lists the top 5 most affordable areas, starting with the Serpukhov district.